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2017 | AKASHIA | A farmhouse in a fish farm

Program: Farmhouse | location: NASIR NAGAR, Bikrompur | status: COMMISSIONED STUDY

TOTAL FARM AREA: 320,000 SFT. | Bungalow AREA: 46,000 SFT  |  Built Area: 6,000 SFT

This farmhouse is located in an aquaculture facility; in addition to fishponds, the site is blessed with views of canals, paddy fields, and a vast horizon that is spectacular from every point. Respecting this gigantic landscape, the design approach for the bungalow is horizontal, minimalist, and rustic yet contemporary, fitting well in the rural area of the historically enriched Bikrampur district. A major feature is an observation deck overlooking the owner's fishery ponds, and a swimming pool for relaxation is at the heart of the project, making it a very welcoming place for future generations.

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